Intro to Craniosacral Biodynamics
Come be held in a nourishing container for three days learning the foundational pillars of Craniosacral Biodynamics. We will explore the history, Primary Respiratory Mechanism, Midline, Breath of Life, Fulcrums, Tidal Expression, Health of the System, Space + Contact, and more. Each day we will have hands-on learning and experiencing. This training will be unique in the way that I will be weaving in my years of work with babies, new mothers in the postpartum period (and at birth). As well, as my pre and perinatal birth psychology background. To top off this amazing opportunity, the assistant teacher will be Debra Bochinski. Who is my dear elder, longtime teacher and mentor in this work (and in life). Debra is a retired midwife, doula, Biodynamic CST teacher/practitioner, with experience of over 25 years.